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Why Join? helps thousands of people every month save money with printable and mobile friendly offers and coupons from local businesses just like yours.


We have taken savings expertise to the next level by creating a
Super savings site that brings brand recognition through a local online business directory. Consumers count on us to find fantastic offers from businesses in their community.


With the growing popularity of coupon websites, we want to remind you of what sets us apart. The online business directory features promotions, offers, and coupons. Visitors can browse categories ranging from golf, dining and restaurants, automotive, shopping, lawncare, travel, sports/recreation, and many more! Visitors can easily view your business profile and offers on their computer or mobile device.


Your business profile features a description of your business, along with promotions and coupons, a direct link to your website, a map to your location, your contact information and direct access to your social profiles. The social sharing feature makes it easy for consumers to share your promotions and coupons through Facebook, Twitter, and email. The Super Traffic Statistic feature allows you to easily track and measure traffic to your profile and offers.


Our Super creative team continually strives to enhance the brand to bring you more online features and ultimately drive even more visitors to your business.