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Things to Do in Grandville
In the beginning of June, join more than a half-million people at the Festival of the Arts, one of the country’s largest free events showcasing visual, culinary and performing arts. After nearly four decades, the annual fete has grown from a small bash in Calder Plaza (Map) to an ubiquitous celebration that takes over downtown Grand Rapids. More info: (616) 459-1300.
Every year on the Thursday, Friday and Saturday after Labor Day, head to the end-of-summer Celebration on the Grand for concerts, the Taste of Downtown and nightly fireworks. More info: (616) 752-8257.
For everyday entertainment: movie theaters, night clubs,restaurants, museums, and golf courses!
Popular Grandville Attractions
Grandville Historical Museum: 616-531-3030
Vintage and Blueberry Festival: 616-531-3030
Wedgewwod Park: (616)-538-1990
Heritage Park: (616)-538-1990
Downtown Farmers Market: (616) 531-3030