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Things to Do in Ludington

Let's see--we have boating, fishing, swimming, golfing--and what else? There's such a variety of things to keep you entertained while you're in the Ludington area! Tour a historic village, enjoy a thrilling dune ride, or visit one of our many parks. Take the family out for a game of mini-golf or catch a concert. Even when it's raining, you can visit Sandcastles Children's Museum, the Mason County District Library or a local bowling alley. You can't leave the area without visiting one of the spectacular lighthouses of the region, and just catching the sunset over Lake Michigan is worth the trip. View the S.S. Badger carferry as it sails into or out of Ludington, or hop on board yourself for the four-hour trip across the big lake. We're lucky to have West Shore Community College in our home town, complete with recreation center featuring a swimming pool, fitness center, racquetball court, and more. Boredom is never a problem here in Ludington!

For everyday entertainment: movie theaters, night clubs,restaurants, museums, and golf courses!

Popular Ludington Attractions

  • CAESAR'S PALETTE: (231) 869-8880
  • GOLDEN KEY ART GALLERY: (231) 843-7036
  • PETRI GALLERY: (231) 852-3137
  • SCOTTVILLE CLOWN BAND: (231) 852-3137
  • SHAGWAY ARTS : (231) 852-3137