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Things to Do in Rockford

Rockford provides both shopping and recreation. Its malls, downtown business district and Squires Street, (a restored section of downtown the way it used to be), offer a variety anyone can appreciate. It is also an active and friendly community, with a diverse range of commerce and businesses. Recreationally, the big attraction is the Rogue River, where fishing, and canoeing are at their finest. Bike and hike on the White Pine Trail. Rockford is centrally located near many additional recreational opportunities, such as golf, skiing and camping.

Popular Rockford Attractions

  • Ice Festival – Second Saturday in February: 616.866.2000
  • ArtCapsule/Taste of Rockford – First Saturday in August: 616.866.2000
  • Art in the Park – Second Saturday in September: 616.866.2000
  • Farm Market – Saturdays ~ June – October: 616.866.2000

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